Predeal, the northernmost resort on the Prahova Valley, 25 km from Brasov, 16 km from Sinaia, 147km (100miles) from Bucharest, is the town on the highest elevation in Romania at 1033m altitude. It is surrounded by five massifs: Postavaru, Piatra Mare, Bucegi, Baiului and Fitifoi, being a good base for mountain hikes and, in winter, for skiing down the Clabucet and Ciopleaslopes.The name is derived from Romanian "pre deal" which means "on the hill".

pensiuni predeal


Predeal boasts much in the way of accommodation, including camping sites, villas, chalets, pensions and hotels. Accommodation can also be arranged in private homes. If you are searching on accommodation in predeal use the words cazarepredeal[t1] to get the best deals on private owners.


Predeal has a mountain climate with cool summers and cold winters. The average temperature in summer is 15 degrees C, in winter -5 degrees C, while the annual average temperature is 5 degrees C. Winter casts its magic spell over snow-covered Predeal from the middle of September to the end of March. The osone-rich air, free of dust, the low pressure and the marked ionization are recommended in the treatment of neurosis, physical and intellectual overexertion,certain endocrine disorders and growth disorders in children.


There are ski slopes provided with artificial snow installations, a new high speed cable chair, floodlights and ski lifts. But the winter season is not the only time when tourists can enjoy ski school programs for both adults and children. They can also rent ski equipment, snow boards, snowmobiles and can practice archery shooting – things that can be enjoyed all year long.

Ski slopes in Predeal

·         Cocos - medium,2250 m

·         Clabucetplecare - medium,               2100 m

·         Subtelescaun - difficult, 1200 m

·         Clabucetsosire - easy,         800 m

·         Clabucetvarianta - easy,    790 m

·         Clabucetscoala - easy,       200 m

·         Subtelescaunvarianta - easy,            670 m

·         TreiBrazi - easy,   300 m

·         Orizont - easy, 100 m

·         Garbova - easy,   900 m

·         Cioplea - easy,     200 m

·         Polistoaca is 2500m cross-country ski run.


You can take trips to the nearby chalets in the mountains (TreiBrazi - elevation 1,128 m, ClabucetSosire - 1,050 m, ClabucetPlecare - 1,450 m, Girbova - 1,350 m, Piatra Mare - 1,630 m, Susai - 1,350 m, PoianaSecuilor - 1,070 m, etc.) or to the cabins farther away on the crests of the Bucegi.